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Labelling of Clothes Do Matter

Here's how to take care of your cotton clothes when it comes to laundry day:

  • Pre-treat any stains with Tide Ultra Stain Release Liquid and cold water. Place the required amount of detergent (follow the dosage instructions on the pack) on the stains before you load the clothes in the washing machine.
  • Put your cotton fabrics in a small basin filled with cold water. After soaking the fabric for 15 to 30 minutes, gently rub the stain.
  • Put your cotton fabrics in a small basin filled with cold water. After soaking the fabric for 15 to 30 minutes, gently rub the stain.

Care of Synthetic Fabrics

Synthetics are heat-sensitive, so keep them well away from tumble dryers and ironing boards. If an item really needs to be pressed, try using a cool iron, protecting the fabric by putting a clean, old towel in-between the garment and the iron. No special synthetic detergent needed.

Care of Wool Fabrics

Before storing or washing, empty pockets and remove belts, jewellery and other accessories to avoid sagging and bulging. Store with closures zipped or buttoned.


For woven garments only: Using a soft garment brush, brush garments lengthwise after wearing to remove surface soil that might become stains later on. Dust and dirt can dull the appearance of wool fabrics.


To remove cigarette or food odours, lay wool garments flat on a bed or towel for an hour. Woven garments may be hung in fresh air on a suitable hanger.

Hang wovens, fold knits

Woven wool garments should be hung on shaped or padded coat hangers. Knitted garments should be gently folded and stored in drawers.


Rest wool garments for 24 hours before wearing again. This gives the natural resilience and spring in the wool fibre time to recover and return to its original shape.


Wool garments can be refreshed after unpacking or wearing by hanging them in a steamy bathroom. Moisture from the steam will remove wrinkles.

Dry away from direct sunlight or heat

If wool gets wet, dry the garment at room temperature away from direct sunlight or heat.


Many wool garments do not require ironing, but very smooth fabrics may look better if pressed. Always use steam when pressing wool. Set your iron on the wool setting and avoid ironing the fabric when it is totally dry.

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